Glenn Scott are makings rooms for Sir William of Wondon and Natan Meligan, while his wife Mattie Scott is playing with Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott.
Sir William of Wondon stays at The Rooster Claw with his nephew and nice over night guarded by Natan Meligan, while Alexander Reise stays a home with his wife, Leonie, and his Children Jonathan and Nia Reise, before he looks for his annoying sister, Maya Reise and cousin, Sir Thomas of Wonden.
Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.
Jonathan Reise are playing with Nigel Scott and Nia Reise immediately starts playing with Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,
Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden.
Rebecca Scott is born.
Lay Scott starts a barmaid at Rooster Claw.
Jonathan Reise marries Ley Scott, and she becomes Lay Reise
Madam Sukri comes to Rooster Claw as a midwife for Ley Reise, while she is deleavering Anthony Reise.
Laurie Reise is born.
Alexander Reise is born.
Madam Sukri drops of Shirley Read at Rooster Claw, where she lives at the Reise's. Here, she develuped her relationship with Laurie Reise.
Madem Sukri drops of Shirley Read at Rooster Claw, where she lives at the Reise's. Here, she discovers she's lesbian and starts an amorous relationship with her first love, Laurie Reise.
Madem Sukri leaves a box of crates with contraception potion at Ley Reise.
I don't need it right now as long as Laurie and Shirley Read are dating each other, Lay I don't need it right now as long as Laurie and Shirley Read are dating each other, Lay surprised says. says.
Anthony Reise discovers, he had lost his bottle of contraception potion, but he gets a new bottle from his mother, Lay Reise, before he joylully is jimping her bones.
Two days later at noon, Julie Warren had gone to labour.
Ley Reise is sending Anthony Reise and Melanie Noneman downstairs to get Michail Warren.
Next day, Philip Arden is asking for four crates of contraception potions, Ley Reise is looking at him, and tells, Lady Stefani only needs one bottle a month. Philip knows it, but he's getting contraception for the whole town, he explains.
Laurie and Oliver starts dating and Laurie helps establich the ferries form Filly Point.